Friday, March 22, 2013


The next series of poems and images speak to the place of being in between.

The image below was meant to serve as a representative of this place and the poem begins this series.


The heart has no location
except when there are two.

And in-between it comes to rest
for a moment.


  1. Feelings require an object an other. It is possible to have feelings even for a pebble, a drop of water, a ray of light; anything really. In India some make Gods of such objects and they’re happy. Here we are dominated by ego, cheap-mind, whereas, the World’s poor almost from birth know they are nothing. It is simply finding something that you love or have some feeling for. God should represent what we wish to go towards, everything in our own understanding such as it is, that is good and right. In caring for this seed understanding grows. Yet many jealously guard a small view of the elephant because ego arrogates it to itself. Then we’re back to square one, sans other, a narcissist. When we wish for nothing higher than small self, God grants/plants our wish just the same. Cast your bread, do unto others, as you sow, what goes around, etc. same. Problem is we think we can somehow get around this law and we can’t, neither can we obey it, yet it is always in action, like hand wash hand.

  2. this morning's post….
    so few words

    such simplicity…
    so profound

